From: Chris Noland
Here's a little system I've worked out for quirks one may or may not find
aboard a used ship. Let me know what you think.
Roll 1D6 to determine number of quirks, and then roll again to see which
catagory (or choose based on what has been modified), and roll once more to
determine specific quirk. Some of these assume that you take time to charge
weapons and shields. We assume 2 rounds, you can use whatever you like.
-1. Laser/Ion cannons
- Drains power from randomly determined system. Pick six systems, assign
each a number, roll every time the PC's charge their weapons.
- Fire control fails with a 1 on wild die on to hit roll. Weapon must be
repaired, and will probably do it again if the PC's don't think to
specifically fix that.
- Roll D6 every time weapon is fired. Even: +1D to damage, Odd: -1D. These
are cumulative. If damage ever drops to 0 weapon fails and can not be repair,
if reaches +50% damage weapon overloads and causes 4D of damage (weapon's
scale) to ship and another 4D (character) to the gunner.
- Takes twice as long to charge weapon system
- Can not engage hyperdrive while weapon is charged.
- No quirk
-2. Sublight drive
- Loses one from space rating every time sublight drive is activated.
- Can not make more than 2 moves/round.
- When making more than one move, drains power from random system (see 1 from
laser section).
- Overheats in two rounds if making 3 or more moves. Must be powered down
and allowed to cool for 3 rounds or more. If not allowed to cool, 1 on wild
die results in drive going critical (goes boom).
- Stolen. The drive's transpoder code is registered as stolen.
- No quirk.
-3. Hyperdrive
- Must be serviced after every 2 jumps (200 if PC does himself, 600 if he
takes to a shop).
- Roll D6 every jump. Even: +.5, Odd: -.5. Non-cumulative.
- Hyperdrive backup does not function.
- Run down. Works 2D6 more times before going out completely, must be
replaced at that point.
- Nav computer does not detect mass shadows. Ship will collide with
uncharted bodies, but can escape interdictors and planets without having to
fly out of range.
- No quirk.
-4. Shields
- Will not cover a certain fire arc. Determine randomly.
- Shields bleed out excess power, +1D+2 to opponent's fire control.
- Shields take double time to charge.
- Roll D6 each time charged, Even: +1, Odd: -1, cumulative. If reaches zero
stops working and can not be fixed. If reaches +50% shields blow doing their
diecode of damage +2D to ship's hull.
- Can not enter hyperspace when shields are charged.
- No quirks.
-5. Maneuverability
- Controls are reversed
- Fails when making more than two moves.
- Does not work in atmosphere
- Roll D6 every time ship is powered up, Even: +1D, Odd: -1D. Changes next
time ship is powered up. Non-cumulative.
- After three 1's on wild die to Pilot or Dodge thrusters malfunction and
ship may only go in straight line.
- No quirk
-6. Miscellaneous
- No escape pods.
- Sensor resistant compartment PC's do not know about. Contains something of
GM's determination (based on previous owner).
- Waste disposal unit does not function.
- Preflight sequence takes twice as long.
- Corroded hull, -1 to die code every time ship is successfully hit.
- No quirk.
Feel free to change these to suit your tastes or campaign. If you come up
with any new sections, let me know.
