From: Johan Sammelin
I usually have no problem comming up with names.
I use a few tricks to get star wars names:
- Think of the different name-styles we have
here on earth based on language and
culture. The ratio of vowels, the ending
and the number of names.
- Is the lanuage hard and rough or soft
and smooth-sounding?
- Do they have a single long name or
many short?
- Do their names mean anything?
- (indian names: Sitting Bull)
- Is the names different in different
social classes?
- (royal names)
- Do they use H or ' frequently?
- Do they have middle names?
- Are there a lot of vowels in a row or the opposite?
- (baal, kakkkrt)
- And in Star Wars, the species is very important.
- (Nobody could take a Wookie named "Luc la Pancynaux" serious)
- Think of ex. chineese (shing pling ho), russian (endings like -sky),
french (endings like -aux), indian (tatanka) names and mix them all
A small collection of names in my SW-games:
"Melas J'kaar" (Human PC)
"Nema Su Bushivo" (Human NPC)
"Dab Othaan" (a city on a planet named "Tel Othiin")
( Oth =forest in the local language)
"Mr. Doh" (Human Gangster boss)
"Berulad Termae" (Human PC)
"Shakknar Do R'Keeloh" (Near Human NPC)
"Ranor" (Duros PC)
"Khendarr Yoshodoran"
"Kond "
"Aler Lockernic"
"Carl Lixun"
"Peshian Erohn"
Use these name if you like.
