I'm not a huge fan of the system used in SW-RPG for creating characters. I used to play the Shadowrun system, and I think the one used for that is much better. So, I've tried to convert it for use in SW-RPG. The rules are still in draft form, and probably (definately) need a lot of work on them, but here they are anyway...
This character creation system is based on that found in the Shadowrun role-playing game. It uses a priorities system, which breaks down into five levels ranging from A (most important) to E (least important). There are also five categories of ability: Force Sensitive, Attributes, Skills, Character / Force Points and Credits. By assigning priorities to the categories, the player indicates which of the character's abilities are most important and which are less so. In other words, a character who assigns priority A to the Force Sensitive category is saying that Force sensitivity is the most important aspect of that character. If priority A was assigned to Skills, then the character's skills would be his most important aspect.
Each of the five priorities must be assigned to one of the five categories. They can be assigned in any manner, with one restriction. The following description of each category also describes the results of assigning the priorities to that category.
This simply determines whether or not the character is Force sensitive. There is only one restriction, but it is a fairly major one: if the player wishes the character to be Force sensitive, priority A must be assigned to this category. Otherwise, non-Force sensitive characters should have priority E assigned to this category, as priorities B, C & D give no additional benefits.
The priority assigned to this category determines how many attribute dice the player may distribute to the character's six attributes. The higher the priority assigned, the greater the number of dice available. The dice provided here are in addition to the normal number given to the character's species (e.g. Humans would receive 12 + the number given here). If using all of the attribute dice would result in the character's attributes going over the species' maximum, then any remaining dice can be used to enhance the character's skills. Alternatively, Force sensitive characters may wish to have some of their attribute dice assigned to their 'Control' Force Skill (Sense and Alter must remain at 0D during character creation).
Priority A gives 10D, priority B 6D, priority C 4D, priority D 3D, and priority E only gives 2D.
As with attributes, the priority assigned here provides a certain number of dice to be distributed among the character's starting skills. The character can choose any skill from the attributes and skills section of the rulebook (except advanced skills such as Medicine). Each skill chosen must have at least 1 pip from the skill dice assigned to it to raise it above the attribute level.
* Specialisations *
If the player wants the character to have specialised skills, then use the
following rules:
In this category, priority A provides 11D, priority B gives 7D, priority C 5D, priority D only 4D, and priority E only 3D.
Character and Force points received by assigning a priority to this category cannot be used to advance skills during character creation. They are to provide the character with a head-start in the character advancement phases of a campaign. The number of Force points received also depends on whether or not the character is Force sensitive. If so, they receive the first number of Force points, otherwise they get the number in parentheses.
Priority A gives a character 15 CPs and 3 (2) FPs, priority B gives 10 CPs and 3 (1) FPs, priority C provides 7 CPs and 2 (1) FPs, whereas priority D gives 5 CPs and 1 (1) FPs, but priority E only gives a character 4 CPs and no FPs.
To purchase weapons / equipment during character creation, the player selects the item and pays the cost listed next to the item. However, no player may start the game with any equipment marked 'Not Available For Sale', or with any item whose availability is 4. Also, any character wishing to own an item with an availability of 3 must be able to justify owning that item to the GM.
* Ships / Vehicles *
Characters may purchase ships / vehicles as they would equipment, but are
not allowed to purchase military ships such as X-Wings or TIE fighters. The
only exceptions to this rule are 'ugly' ships (see 'Pirates & Privateers',
p53). If no cost can be found for a ship, then the final decision rests
with the GM.
* Starting Money *
Any unspent credits translate to money available during the game at a 10:1
ratio. If, after character generation, a character had 15,000 credits left,
that character would start the game with 1,500 credits. All characters also
start with 3D x 1,000 credits on top of any money left over.
Assigning priority A will give a character 1,000,000 Credits to spend, priority B gives 400,000 Credits, priority C provides 90,000 Credits, priority D only 5,000 Credits, whilst priority E only gives a character 500 Credits to spend.
In the Star Wars universe, Force Sensitive beings are the minority. This character creation system reflects this by making the Force sensitive priority very expensive compared to other priorities at the same level. This design keeps the number of Force sensitive characters down to something near the actual ratio within the Star Wars universe.
If GMs are comfortable with a higher-than-average number of Force sensitive characters, they may reduce the required Force Sensitive priority from A to B, or even C. This may create an unrealistic concentration of Force sensitive characters in the game, but lightsaber duels are fun, after all.
At the player's option, any character may be given a 'history' during character creation. This 'history' can be either good or bad, and of varying degrees. Players should choose a 'history' from the table below. In exchange for the 'history', the character either receives some form of bonus, or pays some form of penalty. These bonuses and penalties can be in the form of Attribute or Skill dice, or Credits. The character receives / pays only one type of bonus / penalty, and may only have one 'history'. The 'histories' provided below are only examples, and players should be free to provide their own 'history' to the GM, either receiving or paying an appropriate bonus / penalty.
History | Attr. | Skills | Credits |
*An old friend of yours is now a Captain in the Imperial Customs, and has been known to provide you with documents and pass-cards whenever you have required them. | -2D | -4D | -20,000 |
*The owner of a shop in Mos Eisley (or another spaceport) owes you a favour for saving his life. The shop in question is the Sector's best stocked armoury. | -1D | -2D | -10,000 |
*A game of Sabacc on your home planet went horribly wrong for you, and you now owe someone 50,000 Credits. You better have that money ready if you ever go home. | +1D | +2D | +10,000 |
*The local Hutt crime-lord is most displeased with you. He has summoned some of the galaxy's most feared Bounty Hunters, and posted a bounty of 250,000 Credits on your head - dead or alive. | +2D | +4D | +20,000 |
Priority | Force Sen. | Attr. | Skills | C/F Pts | Credits |
A | Yes | 10D | 11D | 15 / 3 (2) | 1,000,000 |
B | No | 6D | 7D | 10 / 3 (1) | 400,000 |
C | No | 4D | 5D | 7 / 2 (1) | 90,000 |
D | No | 3D | 4D | 5 / 1 (1) | 5,000 |
E | No | 2D | 3D | 4 / 0 (0) | 500 |
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